Online event

Please use the form provided below to register for the DiHECO PhD Colloquium 2022,

7th October 2022 

To register for attending as a DiHECO PhD Colloquium 2022 listener:

To submit your abstract and participate as a presenter:

  2. Press the Login button.
  3. Sign in with your Google account.
  4. Register by entering your research institution's name and fill in "PhD colloquium abstract submission" as the contact reason.
  5. Wait until the Community administrator approves the request to register. You shall receive a confirmation email.
  6. Login to the KEEN HUB SUBMISSION PORTAL and click on Create New Project button to start the submission process.
  7. In the following window, fill out the fields according to your abstract details. For project type, choose Paper. For the Project timeline, you can enter the date of the colloquium.
  8. Add co-authors if needed. Note that the co-authors need to be registered in the KEEN HUB SUBMISSION PORTAL to be able to add them. Please invite any co-authors to join the PORTAL before submitting your abstract. 
  9. Click on the Save button.
  10. Go to the PORTAL home desktop (computer screen icon on the right-hand side).
  11. Under My Submissions, click View, and add your abstract files for Reviewers in the next window. Click on the Submit to Reviewers button.
  12. Wait for your reviews and final decision letter.