Online event
Please use the form provided below to register for the DiHECO PhD Colloquium 2022, 7th October 2022
To register for attending as a DiHECO PhD Colloquium 2022 listener:
To submit your abstract and participate as a presenter:
- Press the Login button.
- Sign in with your Google account.
- Register by entering your research institution's name and fill in "PhD colloquium abstract submission" as the contact reason.
- Wait until the Community administrator approves the request to register. You shall receive a confirmation email.
- Login to the KEEN HUB SUBMISSION PORTAL and click on Create New Project button to start the submission process.
- In the following window, fill out the fields according to your abstract details. For project type, choose Paper. For the Project timeline, you can enter the date of the colloquium.
- Add co-authors if needed. Note that the co-authors need to be registered in the KEEN HUB SUBMISSION PORTAL to be able to add them. Please invite any co-authors to join the PORTAL before submitting your abstract.
- Click on the Save button.
- Go to the PORTAL home desktop (computer screen icon on the right-hand side).
- Under My Submissions, click View, and add your abstract files for Reviewers in the next window. Click on the Submit to Reviewers button.
- Wait for your reviews and final decision letter.