1. Nina
Helander, Asta Pundziene, Rima-Sermontyte Baniule, Jordi Carrabina, Christopher Mathieu,
Susanne Boethius, Irene Georgescu. Digital Healthcare Platforms Enabling Remote
Care Value Creation: The Patient Perspective. Accepted to IEEE ICTE 2023 Conference
Proceedings Xplore.
(Next step: submission to the Health Services Research).
2. Christopher
Mathieu, Susanne Boethius, Nina Helander, Rima-Sermontyte Baniule, Asta Pundziene, Irene Georgescu, Sea
Matilda Bez. Embeddedness and Loose-Endedness as Parameters for Value Generation and
Interpretation in Digital Healthcare Platforms. (Submitted and accepted to IEEE ICTE 2023 Conference
Proceedings Xplore,
Next step: submission to BMC Digital Health)
3. Asta
Pundziene, Neringa Gerulaitiene, Sea Matilda Bez, Irène Georgescu, Christopher
Mathieu, Jordi Carrabina-Bordoll, Josep Rialp-Criado, Hannu Nieminen, Alpo Varri,
Susanne Boethius, Mark van Gils, Víctor Giménez-Garcia, Isabel Narbón-Perpiñá,
Diego Prior-Jiménez, Laura Vilutiene. Value capture and embeddedness in
social-purpose-driven ecosystems. A multiple-case study of European digital
healthcare platforms, Technovation, Volume 124, 2023, 102748, ISSN
0166-4972, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.technovation.2023.102748. (Published)
4. Lukas
Geryba, Asta Pundziene. Rethinking Value Capture Strategies in Healthcare
Born-Digital Firms. (Submitted and accepted to IEEE ICTE 2023 Conference
Proceedings Xplore,
Next step: submission to the Research Policy).
5. Rima
Sermontyte-Baniule, Nina Helander, Hannu Nieminen.
Stakeholder’s Perceptions of Value and Risks in Data Governance for the
Secondary Use of Health Data. SN
Computer Science (Accepted).
6. Matilda
Sea Matilda Bez, Asta Pundziene, Rima Sermontyte-Baniule, Isabel Narbon.
What Entrepreneurial Decisions Enable the Breeding of Digital Platform
Unicorns? Strategic
Entrepreneurship Journal (Submitted,
under review).
7. Victor
Gimenez, Diego Prior, Asta Pundziene, Rima Sermontyte-Baniule. Digital Ventures Dynamic Competition:
The Effect of External Environment Factors and Founder's Capabilities on
Digital Platform Startup Performance. Journal of Business Venturing (Submitted).
8. Lukas
Geryba, Isabel Narbon-Perpina, Diego Prior, Josep Rialp. The Role of
Accelerators in the Performance of Digital Healthcare Platforms. Technological Forecasting and
Social Change.